The European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) organizes the European Cyber Security Month campaign (ECSM) in every October since 2012. The aim of the ECSM campaign is to raise general awareness about cyber security and also to raise awareness about the main cybersecurity threats for a large audience.
During the Cyber Security Month campaign there are trainings, awareness raising lectures and events held by the institutes of the EU Member States. The EU-wide Campaign is coordinated by ENISA.
In 2016 Hungary joined the campaign with several events. The National Cyber Security Center (NCSC) is the contact point at EU level for the ECSM and responsible for the coordination of the national elements of the campaign. The aim of the NCSC is to reach a wider audience with the involvement of the governmental and non-governmental companies, universities, schools and other organizations that deals with cybersecurity issues. The campaign is a unique opportunity to create more active public-private partnerships.
On the following link you can find more information about the campaign and other international events:
The European Cybersecurity Month is turning 10 this year! For the 10th consecutive year the ENISA is partnering with the Commission and Member States in carrying out #CyberSecMonth: the EU’s annual campaign dedicated to promoting cybersecurity among EU citizens and organizations and providing up-to-date online security information through awareness raising activities and sharing of good practices.
The motto of the campaign: “Think Before U Click”, #ThinkB4UClick.
The two themes of the ECSM2022 campaign are:
- Ransomware
- Phishing
The corona virus pandemic is testing the online security resilience world-wide, while at the same time is pushing more and more citizens to conduct their daily lives and work online. Our lives have shifted into the digital dimension so educating the online user has become more important than ever before.
The main objectives of the 2022 campaign are to ensure that end-users and organizations are well informed on the potential cybersecurity risks and that they stay safe online. The general intention is to help EU citizens develop a basic understanding of the different types of online security and privacy issues.
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