NCSC Hungary’s mission is to assist the development of the Hungarian information society, by making the use of computers and the Internet safer.
NCSC Hungary builds on strong national and international cooperation, to develop a knowledge base, which could be used in this new field of security: the protection of e-services are supervised by a professional team capable of providing quick intervention and effective assistance.
Our goal is to make the Internet secure, to develop a world-class security and information base, and to become a publicly accessible forum for Internet and computer security.
NCSC Hungary operates within the organization of the Special Service for National Security (SSNS), under the direction and control of the Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister. NCSC Hungary is the Hungarian government’s network and information security center. Its task is provide network and information security support to the entire Hungarian government administration and the local municipalities. The center has a vital role in Hungary’s critical information infrastructure protection. NCSC Hungary also acts as a knowledge base for IT professionals and the Hungarian public.
NCSC Hungary provides services for the entire Hungarian government administration and the municipalities. The security of computer systems in particular the government backbone system owned by the government and critical infrastructures receive special attention from our organization. NCSC Hungary is also the responsible CSIRT for all sectors mentioned in the Directive (EU) 2016/1148 of the European Parliament and of the Council concerning measures for a high common level of security of network and information systems across the Union (NIS Directive).