Adatlopásokra alapuló zsaroló levelek terjednek

A nemrégiben nyilvánosságra került nagy mennyiségű adatlopásokra alapozva a csalók gyorsan zsarolókampányba kezdtek, az Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) pedig több bejelentést is kapott ilyen levelekkel kapcsolatban.

A címzetteknek azt állították, hogy a nevüket, telefonszámukat, címüket, bankkártya és egyéb adataikat el fogják küldeni a közösségi hálózatokon megtalálható családtagjaiknak, ismerőseiknek, ha nem fizetnek váltságdíjat. A rövid határidőn belül fizetendő 250-1200 dollárnyi értéket Bitcoin virtuális fizetőeszközben kérik, amely anonimitást biztosít a zsarolónak.

Néhány minta a zsaroló levelekből:

“Unfortunately your data was leaked in a recent corporate hack and I now have your information. I have also used your user profile to find your social media accounts. Using this I can now message all of your friends and family members.”

“If you would like to prevent me from sharing this information with your friends and family members (and perhaps even your employers too) then you need to send the specified bitcoin payment to the following address.”

“If you think this amount is too high, consider how expensive a divorce lawyer is. If you are already divorced then I suggest you think about how this information may impact any ongoing court proceedings. If you are no longer in a committed relationship then think about how this information may affect your social standing amongst family and friends.”

“We have access to your Facebook page as well. If you would like to prevent me from sharing this dirt with all of your friends, family members, and spouse, then you need to send exactly 5 bitcoins to the following address.”

“We have some bad news and good news for you. First, the bad news, we have prepared a letter to be mailed to the following address that details all of your activities including your profile information, your login activity, and credit card transactions. Now for the good news, You can easily stop this letter from being mailed by sending 2 bitcoins to the following address.”


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